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Producten uit de categorie 'john wick' van captain-hook.nl - Pagina 1

John Wick Chapter 4 Ultimate Premium Masterline Series Statue 1/4 John Wick: Chapter 4 Caine 48 cm

John Wick Chapter 4 Ultimate Premium Masterline Series Statue 1/4 John Wick: Chapter 4 Caine 48 cm

You should've stayed out, for all our sakes. - Caine<br />I tried... - John Wick<br /><br />Prime 1 Studio is extremely proud and thrilled to introduce our latest entry in the coveted Premium Masterline series, the 1:4 scale PMJWK-02 Caine, from John Wick: Chapter 4!<br /><br />Step into the intense and stylish world of John Wick with this breathtaking reproduction of Caine, a character introduced in the fourth film of the John Wick franchise. The series has revolutionized the action genre with its stunning choreography, rich world-building, and compelling narrative. The fourth movie introduced a standout character - a highly skilled assassin and old friend of John, known for his lethal precision and unwavering resolve. Caine's enigmatic presence and complex backstory have captivated audiences, making him a new fan-favorite in the John Wick saga. Prime 1 Studio, in collaboration with Blitzway, has pushed the boundaries to bring you this stunning piece of art.<br /><br />Standing at 19 inches tall, the Blind Man is dressed in a sleek black suit, meticulously crafted and sewn from real fabric. Poised and alert, Caine listens intently for any sound, ready to detect and counter threats or launch precise attacks at the slightest noise from John Wick. With a gun in his right hand and a cane-sword in his left, every detail-from the texture of his suit to the determined look on his face-has been expertly sculpted to bring Caine to life. The likeness to Donnie Yen is uncanny, showcasing the exceptional craftsmanship and dedication involved in creating this masterpiece. The base features LED illumination, adding an extra layer of moody ambiance.<br /><br />This piece is more than just a collectible. it is a tribute to the enduring legacy of a saga that has redefined the action genre. Elevate your collection with this exquisite statue, which serves as a striking centerpiece embodying Caine's relentless spirit and style. It is a must-have for any fan of the series. Pre-order th


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John Wick Plush Figure Bubba 22 cm

John Wick Plush Figure Bubba 22 cm

YOU.MUST.PROTECT.THE.PUPPER!<br /><br />Youtooz is keeping a watchful eye over Bubba while John's off taking care of business! At 9 inches tall with the cutest ears flopping over his boxy grey brown head and a wide muzzle with the perfect oval snoot, he stares up at you with the sweetest look on his face! Wearing a white suit collar and long black tie which hangs down over his chest marking, he sits with two back legs kicked forward to reveal the cutest heart shaped paw pads while a long thin tail wags happily behind him! This plush is absolutely packed to the seams with 100% PP cotton and is made of a minky material! Absolutely perfect for cuddling and being your best bud as you fight your way through an endless horde of bounty hunters!<br /><br />About John Wick:<br /><br />John Wick is an action thriller franchise created by Derek Kolstad. The franchise follows John Wick, a former Hitman who is thrusted back into the criminal underworld that he left behind. The catalyst of events started with the loss of his beloved puppy Daisy. Showing dogs really are man's best friend.


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John Wick 3 Milestones Statue 1/6 John Wick 43 cm

John Wick 3 Milestones Statue 1/6 John Wick 43 cm

A Diamond Select Toys release! Baba Yaga lives! The unstoppable hit man John Wick stands tall in this 1/6 scale statue from DST! Measuring approximately 17 inches tall atop a pillar base, John is accompanied by his trusty, nameless dog, and holds a short wakizashi blade in his hand. Limited to only 1000 pieces, this hand-numbered statue comes packaged in a full-color box with a numbered certificate of authenticity. Designed by Nelson X. Asencio, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella!


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John Wick Chapter 4 Premium Masterline Series Statue 1/4 John Wick 54 cm

John Wick Chapter 4 Premium Masterline Series Statue 1/4 John Wick 54 cm

They gave you my name... - John Wick<br />Yeah - Caine<br />I'm sorry - John Wick<br />Me too - Caine<br /><br />Prime 1 Studio is extremely proud and thrilled to introduce our next entry to the coveted Premium Masterline series, the 1:4 scale PMJWK-01 John Wick, from his latest adventures in Chapter 4!<br /><br />Immerse yourself in the relentless world of action and vengeance with this jaw-dropping reproduction of John Wick, the legendary assassin from the acclaimed John Wick series. Known for its intense action sequences and compelling storytelling, the John Wick franchise has captivated audiences worldwide. With Keanu Reeves delivering iconic performance in all four movies, it is only natural that we at Prime 1 Studio, in collaboration with Blitzway, push ourselves to the limit by bringing you yet another stunning piece of art.<br /><br />At 21 inches tall, the Boogeyman is dressed in his signature black suit, that has been meticulously crafted and sewn with real fabric. He stands in a menacing pose, exuding a stylish, yet menacing aura. With a gun in his right hand, and a katana in his left, he is poised and ready for action. Every detail, from the texture of his suit, to the determined look in his eyes, has been expertly sculpted to bring John Wick to life. The likeness to Keanu Reeves is just uncanny, showcasing the craftsmanship and dedication that went into creating this masterpiece. The base features LED illumination, adding an extra layer of moody ambiance.<br /><br />This piece is more than just a collectible. it is a tribute to the enduring legacy of the character who redefined the action genre. Elevate your collection with this exquisite statue, as it will make for a striking centerpiece that embodies the relentless spirit of Baba Yaga himself, a must-have for any fan of the series. Pre-order the PMJWK-01 John Wick now and stay on the lookout for its companion piece, PMJWK-02 Caine, very soon! <br /><br />Product Specifications: <br /> <br


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John Wick Chapter 4 Ultimate Premium Masterline Series Statue 1/4 John Wick Deluxe Version 54 cm

John Wick Chapter 4 Ultimate Premium Masterline Series Statue 1/4 John Wick Deluxe Version 54 cm

They gave you my name... - John Wick<br />Yeah - Caine<br />I'm sorry - John Wick<br />Me too - Caine<br /><br />Prime 1 Studio is extremely proud and thrilled to introduce our next entry to the coveted Premium Masterline series, the 1:4 scale PMJWK-01 John Wick, from his latest adventures in Chapter 4!<br /><br />Immerse yourself in the relentless world of action and vengeance with this jaw-dropping reproduction of John Wick, the legendary assassin from the acclaimed John Wick series. Known for its intense action sequences and compelling storytelling, the John Wick franchise has captivated audiences worldwide. With Keanu Reeves delivering iconic performance in all four movies, it is only natural that we at Prime 1 Studio, in collaboration with Blitzway, push ourselves to the limit by bringing you yet another stunning piece of art.<br /><br />At 21 inches tall, the Boogeyman is dressed in his signature black suit, that has been meticulously crafted and sewn with real fabric. He stands in a menacing pose, exuding a stylish, yet menacing aura. With a gun in his right hand, and a katana in his left, he is poised and ready for action. Every detail, from the texture of his suit, to the determined look in his eyes, has been expertly sculpted to bring John Wick to life. The likeness to Keanu Reeves is just uncanny, showcasing the craftsmanship and dedication that went into creating this masterpiece. The base features LED illumination, adding an extra layer of moody ambiance.<br /><br />This piece is more than just a collectible. it is a tribute to the enduring legacy of the character who redefined the action genre. Elevate your collection with this exquisite statue, as it will make for a striking centerpiece that embodies the relentless spirit of Baba Yaga himself, a must-have for any fan of the series. Pre-order the PMJWK-01 John Wick now and stay on the lookout for its companion piece, PMJWK-02 Caine, very soon! <br /><br />Product Specifications: <br /> <br


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John Wick 4 POP! Movies Vinyl Figure John Wick 9 cm

John Wick 4 POP! Movies Vinyl Figure John Wick 9 cm

From Funko's popular 'POP!' series comes this cool vinyl figure. It stands approx. 9 cm tall and comes in a window box packaging.


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    • Telefoonnummer: 0181-751154 (bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 17:00 uur)
    • E-mailadres: info@globos.nl
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