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Producten uit de categorie 'original character' van captain-hook.nl - Pagina 9

Original Character Statue 1/6 Honoka Hise Volleyball Club 25 cm

Original Character Statue 1/6 Honoka Hise Volleyball Club 25 cm

This provocative 1/6 scale PVC statue from the 'Original Character' series is approx. 25 cm tall and comes in a window box.<br /><br />Bonus:<br /><br />- 2 x Tin Badges


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Original Character PVC Statue 1/4 Bunny Girl Anna 45 cm

Original Character PVC Statue 1/4 Bunny Girl Anna 45 cm

From the ´Original Character´ line comes this beautiful 1/4 -scale PVC statue. It stands approx. 45 cm tall and comes in a window box packaging.


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Original Character B-Style PVC Statue 1/6 Riyu Hoshizaki Illustrated by Mimosa? 19 cm

Original Character B-Style PVC Statue 1/6 Riyu Hoshizaki Illustrated by Mimosa? 19 cm

Introducing a scale figure of the beautiful Riyu Hoshizaki, illustrator's Mimosa's original character!<br />The figure boasts plenty of visual highlights that can be appreciated from a multitude of angles, including her fluffy light blue hair, sweet smile and white form-fitting bunny outfit.<br />Be sure to add this adorable and refreshing figure to your collection!


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Original Character PVC 1/6 Got Caught Shigure 20 cm

Original Character PVC 1/6 Got Caught Shigure 20 cm

Produced by new manufacturer LOVELY, here comes an 1/6 scale figurine, make sure not to miss it! It stands 20 cm tall and comes in a window box packaging.<br /><br />Bonus:<br /><br />Shikishi


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Original Character Colors PVC Statue 1/7 Tsumugi 29 cm

Original Character Colors PVC Statue 1/7 Tsumugi 29 cm

Bloom Forth<br /><br />Weaving Thoughts and Nurturing Connections<br />Expressing Gentleness and Tranquility<br /><br />The main title of colors refers to the vibrancy and<br />beauty of adolescence.<br />The color palette used expresses the ephemerality of a girl's youth as well as its brilliance.<br /><br />The figure's character design is by popular illustrator Amamitsuki, who is known for their serene illustrations. Fortunation, known for their bishojo figures, was in charge of the sculpting and the paintwork sample was created by Eimi Hoshina.<br /><br />Tsumugi is the first installment in the new colors lineup, which focuses on the idea of the traditional Japanese beauty. The figure includes a luxurious base that adds to the atmosphere of the figure.<br /><br />Be sure to add the beautiful Tsumugi to your collection.<br /><br />*This product will not be rereleased with the exact same specifications.


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Creators Opinion PVC Statue 1/4 Sara Nogami Bare Leg Bunny Ver. 31 cm

Creators Opinion PVC Statue 1/4 Sara Nogami Bare Leg Bunny Ver. 31 cm

Original illustration by the popular artist Matsuri Warabino, Sara Nogami has returned in Bare Legs!<br /><br />Popular illustrator Matsuri Warabino's illustration of Sara Nogami is now available in her bare leg version!<br /><br />The mature vibes of bunny girls are enhanced when in bare legs!<br />Donning the original bunny suit, known for its cuteness. The dreamy bunny girl design of Sara, equipped with naturally vibrant colors, is back! Sara has the option to wear her glasses or not... as you want it.<br />Recommended to the ladies and gentlemen who have welcomed Sara before, <br />And also recommended for those keen on getting their first bare-leg bunny figure.<br /><br />Let's surrender ourselves to adult healing!


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Original Character by Mataro PVC 1/6 Shironeko 16 cm

Original Character by Mataro PVC 1/6 Shironeko 16 cm

Shironeko from Mataro's original China dress cat series is here!<br /><br />Presenting the second figure from the duo illustration of Mataro-sensei.<br /><br />Despite the worries of her older sister Kuroneko, the younger sister Shironeko acts freely at her own pace.<br />I can't let Kuroneko nee-chan tease me while flustered!<br /><br />Will the yuri scene turn a bit ecchi~ when the two are together? That's for you to decide and enjoy.<br /><br />Preorder reservations for Kuroneko started earlier, and she'll fit perfectly on the large acrylic base! <br />Shironeko will also include elegant accessories such as the Chinese-style tea cabinet and a Chinese-style fan


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Hitowa Original Character PVC Statue 1/6 Bibi: Chill Bunny Ver. 28 cm

Hitowa Original Character PVC Statue 1/6 Bibi: Chill Bunny Ver. 28 cm

An infusion of bunny energy!<br /><br />Solarain presents a 1/6 scale figure of popular illustrator Hitowa's original character Bibi!<br />Bibi's smile and slender-yet-busty physique have been faithfully captured in figure form.<br />The plastic bottle in her hand and her skirt are made with transparent materials. The real net tights on her left leg are also sure to catch your eye!<br /><br />Be sure to add the cute and sensual Bibi to your collection!<br /><br />It stands approx. 28,5 cm tall and comes with base in a window box packaging.


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Original Character PVC Statue 1/4 Reverse Bunny Girl Illustrated by Daiki Kase 48 cm

Original Character PVC Statue 1/4 Reverse Bunny Girl Illustrated by Daiki Kase 48 cm

From the ´Original Character´ line comes this beautiful 1/4-scale PVC statue. It stands approx. 48 cm tall and comes in a window box packaging.


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Original Character Statue 1/6 Julia re-run 27 cm

Original Character Statue 1/6 Julia re-run 27 cm

Is the summon a mistress? Original Character by gogoko, the Myosotis Jiangshi Julia!<br /><br />A HOTVENUS Original Series, original character by gogoko and illustrated by the well-known Mendokusai-sensei.<br />Julia the Jiangshi has been reproduced as a 1/6 scale figure!<br /><br />Julia-chan, appears when summoned at midnight..<br />Despite being a Jiangshi, Julia's skin and complexion remained tight and packing,<br />Captivating anyone with her deadly dynamite of a body.<br /><br />Was it you who summoned me as a concubine?<br />Human.. You sure have strange fetishes...<br /><br />Chest Parts No Bra Ver. is included as interchangeable parts, Julia's panties are also cast-off.<br />Please consider summoning Julia!


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  1. Nespresso Advisor: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor gepersonaliseerde Nespresso-adviezen kan geven op basis van jouw smaakvoorkeuren en drinkgewoonten.
  2. WineAdvisor: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor gepersonaliseerde wijnadviezen kan geven op basis van smaakvoorkeuren en gelegenheden.
  3. Geschenkenbedenker: Verken hoe onze tool ideeën genereert voor unieke en gepersonaliseerde geschenken, afgestemd op de ontvanger.
  4. Reisplanner: Zie hoe onze AI Advisor reisroutes samenstelt op basis van voorkeuren zoals bestemmingen, activiteiten en budget.
  5. Modeadviseur: Bekijk hoe onze tool stijladvies geeft op basis van de laatste trends en persoonlijke smaak.
  6. Culinaire suggesties: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor aanbevelingen doet voor restaurants, gerechten en culinaire ervaringen, afgestemd op individuele voorkeuren.


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Algemene voorwaarden AI Advisor

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    • AI-Advisor, onderdeel van Globos B.V.
    • Statutaire zetel: Repelvoorde 14, 3204EE Spijkenisse
    • Telefoonnummer: 0181-751154 (bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 17:00 uur)
    • E-mailadres: info@globos.nl
    • KvK-nummer: 62379313
    • BTW-nummer: NL854794888B01
    • College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP): 1422593
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