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kotobukiya msg van captain-hook.nl

Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accessory Set Weapon Unit 51 Customize Blade Set 01

Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accessory Set Weapon Unit 51 Customize Blade Set 01

The newly designed CUSTOMIZE BLADE SET01 is joining the M.S.G series! <br />This item includes a set of large and small customizable swords. <br /><br />Product Specifications: <br /><br />- The swords are made up of a hilt and a blade part that can be combined freely. <br />- The blade is designed with multiple openings, further emphasizing the sci-fi design. <br />- The swords can be attached to mecha and character models using the included mount joint. <br />- This item will also be customizable with the upcoming CUSTOMIZE BLADE SET02, perfect for creating original weapons. <br /><br />This model is designed by the up-and-coming artist, sera. SHO-RO-KI GRAND RISER, the second product from the new robot series Forme Arms, was also designed by sera, so users can combine them to create a unified look. <br /><br />Included Items: <br /><br />- 1 x Large Blade <br />- 1 x Small Blade <br />- 1 x Large Hilt <br />- 1 x Small Hilt <br />- 2 x Mount Joint


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Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accesoory Set Heavy Weapon Unit 36 Cannon

Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accesoory Set Heavy Weapon Unit 36 Cannon

A kit of interconnected clear armor units from the Heavy Weapon Unit series is getting reproduced in made in Japan (Kikuchi Seisakusho) quality!!<br />The concept of this product is creating clear articulated wing armor perfect for character models.<br /><br />The parts can be assembled in a variety of different combinations such as the beautiful wing mode with a sharp silhouette, or defense mode as a body-length shield, and can be used to create unique customizations with other kits.<br /><br />The armor parts are clear blue, and the internal mecha frame is silver. The clear color of the armor gives users a glimpse of the silver frame inside for a beautiful finish on this Heavy Weapon Unit.<br /><br />This item was developed in cooperation with KIKUCHI SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD., located in Hachioji, Tokyo, with the aspiration to illustrate quality Japanese craftsmanship. <br /><br />About KIKUCHI SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD.:<br />Kikuchi Seisakusho is a company that provides integrated support for monozukuri that offers a helping hand for creating new products in all kinds of fields with their package solution system that includes development, design, molding, prototyping, evaluation, and mass production.<br />Not only do they strive for production efficiency, but their goal is the creation of a support industry that provides assistance through crafts. Using their technology and sticking to down-to-earth production, they strive for a society that is considerate, creates helpful products, and flourishes with kindness.<br /><br /><br />Model Specifications:<br /><br />- The joint units for connecting the binders are articulated, making it possible to change the angle and create various poses and scenes.<br />- The binder alone features an open/close mechanic allowing for a variety of silhouettes.<br />- Each binder features an extension mechanism so users can link one after another in a chain limited only by their imaginations!<br />- The included clear sword and clear dagger ca


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Heavy Weapon Unit MSG Plastic Model Kit Accesoory Set Unit46 Bamboo Sword & Wooden Sword 12 cm

Heavy Weapon Unit MSG Plastic Model Kit Accesoory Set Unit46 Bamboo Sword & Wooden Sword 12 cm

An exciting unique addition to Weapon Unit series lineup!<br /><br />The swords in this set can be used with any character in the SOUSAI SHOUJO TEIEN series. Not only that, this item can also be held by characters in other series as well for users to enjoy!


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Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accesoory Set Heavy Weapon Unit 44 Exceed Binder 2 Black Ver.

Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accesoory Set Heavy Weapon Unit 44 Exceed Binder 2 Black Ver.

A kit of interconnected clear armor units from the Heavy Weapon Unit series is here in all new colors!!<br />The concept of this product is creating clear articulated wing armor perfect for character models.<br /><br />The new version features black as its main color with red clear parts. <br />The parts can be assembled in a variety of different combinations such as the beautiful wing mode with a sharp silhouette, or defense mode as a body-length shield, and can be used to create unique customizations with other kits.<br />The clear color of the armor gives users a glimpse of the black frame inside for a beautiful finish on this Heavy Weapon Unit.<br /><br />This item was developed in cooperation with KIKUCHI SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD., located in Hachioji, Tokyo, with the aspiration to illustrate quality Japanese craftsmanship. <br /><br />About KIKUCHI SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD.:<br />Kikuchi Seisakusho is a company that provides integrated support for monozukuri that offers a helping hand for creating new products in all kinds of fields with their package solution system that includes development, design, molding, prototyping, evaluation, and mass production.<br />Not only do they strive for production efficiency, but their goal is the creation of a support industry that provides assistance through crafts. Using their technology and sticking to down-to-earth production, they strive for a society that is considerate, creates helpful products, and flourishes with kindness.<br /><br /><br />Model Specifications:<br /><br />- The joint units for connecting the binders are articulated, making it possible to change the angle and create various poses and scenes.<br />- The binder alone features an open/close mechanic allowing for a variety of silhouettes.<br />- Each binder features an extension mechanism so users can link one after another in a chain limited only by their imaginations!<br />- The included clear sword and clear dagger can be stowed on the other side of the binder.


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Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accessory Set Heavy Weapon Unit 50 Large Variable Mace

Kotobukiya M.S.G. Model Kit Accessory Set Heavy Weapon Unit 50 Large Variable Mace

Eradicate the enemy with a super-sized weapon! <br />Introducing an all-new large variable weapon that can transform from a giant mace to a giant sword! <br /><br />Model Specifications: <br /><br />- This giant weapon is 285mm long! This feature-packed kit features a high level of detailing that isn't outdone by its size. <br />- Without replacing any parts, the giant mace can transform into a giant sword. <br />- The body of the weapon features 3mm and 5mm joints as well as hexagonal holes, allowing it to be used in customizations. <br />- The body is molded in the versatile M.S.G gray, while the distinctive blade is clear green. <br /> <br />Included Items: <br /><br />- 1 x Main Unit


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Ontdek waar onze tool momenteel voor ingezet wordt en doe ideeën op over wat AI Advisor voor uw bedrijf zou kunnen betekenen. Van productaanbevelingen tot reisplanning en van modeadvies tot culinaire suggesties. De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos.

  1. Nespresso Advisor: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor gepersonaliseerde Nespresso-adviezen kan geven op basis van jouw smaakvoorkeuren en drinkgewoonten.
  2. WineAdvisor: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor gepersonaliseerde wijnadviezen kan geven op basis van smaakvoorkeuren en gelegenheden.
  3. Geschenkenbedenker: Verken hoe onze tool ideeën genereert voor unieke en gepersonaliseerde geschenken, afgestemd op de ontvanger.
  4. Reisplanner: Zie hoe onze AI Advisor reisroutes samenstelt op basis van voorkeuren zoals bestemmingen, activiteiten en budget.
  5. Modeadviseur: Bekijk hoe onze tool stijladvies geeft op basis van de laatste trends en persoonlijke smaak.
  6. Culinaire suggesties: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor aanbevelingen doet voor restaurants, gerechten en culinaire ervaringen, afgestemd op individuele voorkeuren.


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Algemene voorwaarden AI Advisor

  1. Identiteit van de ondernemer

    • AI-Advisor, onderdeel van Globos B.V.
    • Statutaire zetel: Repelvoorde 14, 3204EE Spijkenisse
    • Telefoonnummer: 0181-751154 (bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 17:00 uur)
    • E-mailadres: info@globos.nl
    • KvK-nummer: 62379313
    • BTW-nummer: NL854794888B01
    • College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP): 1422593
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