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no game no life van captain-hook.nl

No Game No Life Statue 1/7 Shiro Dress Ver. 24 cm

No Game No Life Statue 1/7 Shiro Dress Ver. 24 cm

Now... Let's begin the game.<br /><br />Shiro, from the highly popular series No Game No Life, which has sold over 6 million copies worldwide and has been published for 10 years, is now available as a figure in a party dress to celebrate the series' 10th anniversary!<br />This figure has recreated the celebrity-like costume and gorgeous hairstyle from the original illustration made to announce the anime adaptation of the series at the MF Bunko J event Summer School Festival 2013 without skimping on any details. Please enjoy this figure of Shiro on a special day which is perfect for celebrating the series' 10th anniversary.<br /><br />It stands approx. 24 cm tall and comes in a window box packaging.


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No Game no Life PVC Statue 1/7 Shiro -Shiromuku- 23 cm

No Game no Life PVC Statue 1/7 Shiro -Shiromuku- 23 cm

From the popular Anime No Game no Life comes this beautiful 1/7-scale PVC statue of Seishiro Nagi. It stands approx. 15 cm tall and comes in a window box packaging.


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Azur Lane PVC Statue 1/4 Reno Bunnino 35 cm

Azur Lane PVC Statue 1/4 Reno Bunnino 35 cm

From the game app Azur Lane comes a 1/4th scale figure of Union's light cruiser Reno!<br />The costume is a three-dimensional bunny girl dress-up costume Bunny Reno!, which is also popular as Live2D. Reno in a charming bunny suit has been made into a three-dimensional figure as she speaks to the commander at the bar counter with a glass in hand. Bunny costume figure series of Azur Lane KAN-SEN following New Jersey, Black Prince and Shimakaze. Please welcome me to Commander's side.


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No Game No Life Zero PVC Statue 1/4 Jibril: Shampoo Ver. 24 cm

No Game No Life Zero PVC Statue 1/4 Jibril: Shampoo Ver. 24 cm

Jibril: Shampoo Ver. returns in an all new big size!<br /><br />From the anime series No Game No Life comes a scale figure of Jibril holding the spiritwater blend shampoo The popular S-style figure has now been brought into B-style size due to popular demand! Rather than simply enlarging the figure, various areas have been readjusted and detailed in the increase to 1/4 scale size.<br />Be sure to add this new B-style figure of Jibril to your collection!


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No Game No Life Prisma Wing PVC Statue 1/7 Schwi 26 cm

No Game No Life Prisma Wing PVC Statue 1/7 Schwi 26 cm

We have announced it during our latest PRISMA TV vol.3, and now we are ready to launch the pre order for this all-new PVC figure for PRISMA WING! Directly from the movie No Game No Life - Zero, the Ex-Machina girl Schwi joined our collection! <br /><br />Take a look at this 1/7 Scale figure: the soft and pale skin finely matches with the cybernetic and inorganic features, a perfect combo that reminds us of the beauty of an Ex-Machina. The two cables that she uses to charge her power source trace a sinuous curve along her tiny body. <br />Despite the delicacy expressed by the whole figure, her long messy hair reaching down to her knees is an explosion of vitality: the painting is a light gradation of colors, changing from pink to blue, green and then yellow. <br /><br />Through our efforts in capturing the gentle nature and purity of her appearance, Schwi has been succesfully recreated in a pose that screams elegance complemented by the beauty of the fine eye prints, the clear parts and the hair flowing in the wind. <br /><br />Exactly as Shiro from the same Prisma Wing line-up, Schwi stands on a chessboard theme designed base, adorned by transparent chess pieces and lucent cubes, a scene that will undoubtedly catch your eyes! <br />Schwi seeks to understand the essence of the human beings, so why don't you get your copy and open your heart to her? <br /><br />Size: 26 x 15 x 20 cm


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No Game No Life Prisma Wing PVC Statue 1/7 Shiro 27 cm

No Game No Life Prisma Wing PVC Statue 1/7 Shiro 27 cm

We are excited to show you an all-new PVC figure for PRISMA WING, Prime 1 Studio's new line-up, showcasing all your favorite characters from manga, anime, and video games! <br /><br />Welcome to the fantasy world of Disboard! Set your mind and explore this newfound world with Shiro. the undefeated and genius shut-in-gamer protagonist of No Game No Life! She joins the Prisma Wing family, encapsulating all the beauty and charm that you would see in a rising heroine of this thrilling line-up! <br /><br />Standing on top of a diorama exploding with wonder. chess pieces and playing cards float about her, with a chessboard as a base. It's a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions! Look at the details of the parts, the game controller, the Rubik's cube, and the computer mouse all mesh to hit home what Disboard is all about: competing in games! <br /><br />You can't ignore her pretty face: the intricate eye-prints on the figure faithfully replicates her red pupils from the anime! And the multicolored design of her hairstyle is a real sight to behold! Shiro is a character with a unique appearance through a splash of bright colors. Nevertheless, behind the face lies her incredible intellect and loneliness. <br /><br />All this charm and beauty come to you in one PVC figure and it's ready for pre-order! Embrace your inner gamer and let the games begin! <br /><br />Size: 27 x 17 x 23 cm


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No Game No Life Statue 1/7 Shiro 16 cm

No Game No Life Statue 1/7 Shiro 16 cm

With Disboard, the world where everything is decided simply through games, as the stage, humanity's only hope may be the shut-in, genius gamers from the real world, known as ? ? (Blank)!?<br /><br />From the anime No Game No Life, Shiro, one half of ? ? (Blank) and the little sister of Sora, is being reproduced!<br /> <br />Her softly flowing hair draws attention with its rainbow coloring, and is accented with a red shadow that vividly recreates the distinct coloration from the anime.<br /><br />With details such as the chessboard-like base and chess piece in her hand, various references to Shiro's best game have been crafted into this piece as the motif for this figure.<br /><br />Even details such as her golden crown and half-worn knee-high socks have also been finely sculpted.<br /> <br />Perched on a chessboard with a chess piece in hand, you can enjoy the girl genius Shiro with her cute and mysterious air to your hearts' content by adding this figure to your collection today.


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in uw zaak?


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Ontdek waar onze tool momenteel voor ingezet wordt en doe ideeën op over wat AI Advisor voor uw bedrijf zou kunnen betekenen. Van productaanbevelingen tot reisplanning en van modeadvies tot culinaire suggesties. De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos.

  1. Nespresso Advisor: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor gepersonaliseerde Nespresso-adviezen kan geven op basis van jouw smaakvoorkeuren en drinkgewoonten.
  2. WineAdvisor: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor gepersonaliseerde wijnadviezen kan geven op basis van smaakvoorkeuren en gelegenheden.
  3. Geschenkenbedenker: Verken hoe onze tool ideeën genereert voor unieke en gepersonaliseerde geschenken, afgestemd op de ontvanger.
  4. Reisplanner: Zie hoe onze AI Advisor reisroutes samenstelt op basis van voorkeuren zoals bestemmingen, activiteiten en budget.
  5. Modeadviseur: Bekijk hoe onze tool stijladvies geeft op basis van de laatste trends en persoonlijke smaak.
  6. Culinaire suggesties: Ontdek hoe onze AI Advisor aanbevelingen doet voor restaurants, gerechten en culinaire ervaringen, afgestemd op individuele voorkeuren.


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Algemene Voorwaarden

Algemene voorwaarden AI Advisor

  1. Identiteit van de ondernemer

    • AI-Advisor, onderdeel van Globos B.V.
    • Statutaire zetel: Repelvoorde 14, 3204EE Spijkenisse
    • Telefoonnummer: 0181-751154 (bereikbaar op werkdagen van 9:00 tot 17:00 uur)
    • E-mailadres: info@globos.nl
    • KvK-nummer: 62379313
    • BTW-nummer: NL854794888B01
    • College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP): 1422593
  2. Gebruik van de AI Advisor

    • De AI Advisor wordt geleverd zoals deze is, zonder enige expliciete of impliciete garanties met betrekking tot de werking, nauwkeurigheid, beschikbaarheid of geschiktheid voor een specifiek doel.
    • Het is niet toegestaan om de AI Advisor te gebruiken voor illegale doeleinden of om informatie te verstrekken die in strijd is met wet- en regelgeving.
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  4. Aansprakelijkheid

    • Wij streven ernaar om nauwkeurige en actuele adviezen te verstrekken, maar kunnen geen garantie geven voor de juistheid of volledigheid van de verstrekte informatie. Het gebruik van de AI Advisor is op eigen risico.
    • Wij zijn niet aansprakelijk voor directe of indirecte schade voortvloeiend uit het gebruik van de AI Advisor, inclusief verlies van gegevens, winstderving of andere schade, tenzij dit voortvloeit uit opzet of grove nalatigheid van onze kant.
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    • De werking van de AI Advisor is afhankelijk van derden, zoals hosting- en payment-providers, en interfaces (API) van AI. Wij kunnen niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor storingen of onderbrekingen die buiten onze directe controle liggen.
    • Het gebruik van de AI Advisor is maandelijks opzegbaar vanwege mogelijke afhankelijkheid van derden.
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  9. Wijzigingen

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  10. Toepasselijk recht

    • Op deze algemene voorwaarden is Nederlands recht van toepassing. Geschillen zullen worden voorgelegd aan de bevoegde rechter in Rotterdam.